You will find a list of all your Reservations in 'My Bookings' - Search Bookings
All reservations will also be found in your PMS including all guests details, including CC details. If you need to cancel a booking, that always needs to be done in the sales channels (by the guest or the sales channels). You cannot cancel reservations in Elina or Rentals United (exception: Home Away. More info about that when connecting to Home Away).
The majority of the channels will charge the guest for you, but there are some where you are responsible of taking the payment (i.e:, Expedia, Agoda, Home Away). You can use any payment processor to charge your guests. Elina is integrated with several payment processors such as Stripe, Sage Pay and Pay Pal. Please for more information about how to use their payment processors. Rentals United is integrated with the payment provider Stripe.
You will find the Credit Card details in the Reservation. The CC details will remain in Rentals United for 10 days.
Additional Notes
- The information passed as part of the booking from RU to Elina includes:
- Channel Details
- Guest Contacts and Details
- Comments
- Price Information
- Property Details
- Credit card details including CV2 codes (if applicable)
- Modifications and/or cancellations of bookings that take place in Elina are not updated on RU and therefore the channels. This means that if a booking is moved, changed or cancelled in Elina, the user must also log into their RU interface in order to replicate the change there.
- As only one nightly rate is mapped per room/unit between Elina and Rentals United, any additional rates can be set up in individual sales channels (if permitted by channel) eg: non-refundable, per person rates, or discounted rates. You can discuss this with you Rentals United contact.
If you have any questions that we did not answer in the Help Centre, please submit your request/issue here