Streamline and Rentals United
In order to connect your Streamline v2 and Rentals United account:
- Log into your Rentals United account
- Hover over your name in the top right corner and select “PMS Settings”
- In the “Choose a PMS” field, select Streamline v2
- Enter your Advertiser ID, Token Key, Token Secret
- Hit “Import all my properties” button
You can get your Advertise ID, Token Key, Token Secret from your Streamline account. In Streamline’s homepage go to 3rd party integrations -> self-service onboarding and from here the info will be available.
Enabling units’ distribution for RU in Streamline
Go to the Rentals United travel agents and mark units as commissionable, steps below:
1) Go to Home -> Tools -> users/owners -> user’s managers, find the RentalsUnited-WHL and the RentalsUnited-PDWTA and edit them;
2) Navigate to the Wholesale Agent Settings tab and make sure that the 'Commissionable' box for each property you want fed to Rentals United;
Make sure to do this for both the Wholesale and Post-Deduct Wholesale agents for Rentals United;
3) Once you have checked the boxes, ensure you press the 'Complete Modification' button before closing the window so that the settings are saved.
Synchronisation Flow
Property info editing/Adding new properties: Streamline ➜ Rentals United ➜ Sales Channel
Reservations/Cancellations: Sales Channels ➜ Rentals United ➜ Streamline
PMS settings - syncing options
If you would like to stop the synchronisation between Streamline and Rentals United for specific property information, please navigate to PMS Settings and deselect the boxes that you wish to update manually in Rentals United and click synchronise. Now you can edit this property information directly in Rentals United in edit properties. Please bear in mind that deselecting will be applicable for all your properties and future changes made directly in your in your PMS will not be reflected in Rentals United.
Descriptive property data NOT synchronised
The greyed-out boxes in the PMS settings are not pulled from Streamline to Rentals United. This means that you need to manually add these features directly in your Rentals United account.
Go to Properties -> click edit/improve next to the property. The fields that are not synchronised with Streamline will be editable. Once you make a change remember to click Save at the bottom.
Specifically, you need to add the following property information in Rentals United to connect to any channel:
- Floor on which the property is located
- Terms & Conditions link
Please add that information into your properties using Rentals United user interface.
How Often is Property Info synchronised?
- Daily prices with discounts - every hour
- Availability - every 15 minutes
- Minimum length of stay - every hour
- Changeover day restrictions - every hour
Descriptive property data - every 24 hours on automated basis.
You may trigger the update manually by going to Rentals United -> PMS Settings and hitting “Synchronise” button.
Get Started
Before you can start connecting your properties to our Sales channels, you need to fill out
- My Profile
- Company Profile
- Payment Settings
In the upper right corner of your RU account you will find a drop down menu with My Profile, Company Profile and Payment settings. Please fill out the required fields and Click on Save
For the Payment setting, Click on add Billing Method (if you have not already added this)
Due to security reasons, you will have to validate a certain amount taken from your account
Please select the correct currency (if your card is in EUR, you choose EUR, if it’s in GBP, you choose GBP)
If you have any questions that we did not answer in the Help Centre, please submit your request/issue here