RNS and Rentals United
- Log into your Rentals United account
- Hover over your name in the top right corner and select “PMS Settings”
- In the “Choose a PMS” field, select RnsNetwork
- Enter your Account Id
- Hit “Import all my properties” button
All properties which fulfil Rentals United requirements, will be now imported from RNS into your Rentals United account.
Your properties have been pulled from RNS to Rentals United and are now ready to be connected to our Sales Channels. Any editing of the Property information should be done in RNS. Once you are connected to the sales channels, the property information will be synchronised to the channels. Bookings received via the connected sales channels, will automatically be inserted into Rentals United and RNS. If you want to add a new property to Rentals United/Sales channels, you need to enable it from RNS.
Synchronisation Flow
Property info editing/Adding new properties: RNS ➜ Rentals United ➜ Sales Channel
Reservations: Sales Channels ➜ Rentals United ➜ RNS
PMS settings - syncing options
If you would like to stop the synchronisation between RNS and Rentals United for specific property information, please navigate to PMS Settings and deselect the boxes that you wish to update manually in Rentals United and click synchronise. Now you can edit this property information directly in Rentals United in edit properties. Please bear in mind that deselecting will be applicable for all your properties and future changes made directly in your in your PMS will not be reflected in Rentals United.
NOT synchronised from RNSNetwork to Rentals United
The greyed-out boxes in the PMS settings are not pulled from RNS to Rentals United. This means that you need to manually add these features directly in your Rentals United account. Specifically, you need to add the following property information in Rentals United to connect to any channel:
- Room Composition – Living room and kitchen are NOT synchronised. Go to PMS settings – untick room composition – go to my properties – navigate to the property you want to change – add amenities in step 2 of the property set up and click on Save & Next. Please note this is the same issue for all your properties.
- Bedding types – Amenity information is pulled from RNS Network but this does not include your bedding configuration which is mandatory to connect to channels: Go to PMS settings – untick room composition – go to my properties – navigate to the property you want to change – add amenities in step 2 of the property set up and click on Save & Next. Please note this is the same issue for all your properties.
- Extra Guest Price - Go to My Properties - Property - Edit - Step 5 -Pricing.
- Reservation Modifications - Booking modifications retrieved from sales channels need to be manually modified in the PMS.
- Reservations Cancellations - Bookings cancelled in sales channels need to be manually cancelled in the PMS.
- Arrival Instructions: Go to My Properties - Property - Edit - Step 6 -Arrival Instructions.
- Cancellation Policy: Go to My Properties - Edit Properties - Advanced settings - Select all or some properties - Step 7 - Edit Cancellation Policy.
- Terms & Conditions link: Go to My Properties - Edit Properties - Advanced settings - Select all or some properties -Step 7 -Terms and Conditions link.
- License / Registration information - Go to My Properties - Property - Edit - Step 1 - Tourist License Number.
- Floor on which the property is located - You can add additional information in Rentals United User Interface: Go to My Properties - Property - Edit - Step 1 Basic info - Property Type.
- Length of Stay discounts.
- Changeover: CheckOut (there are no check-out restrictions)
- Multi-Units.
Please add that information into your properties using Rentals United user interface. We are unable to retrieve that information from RNS via API at this stage.
Please bear in mind that the quality of your listings will increase significantly if you add more property information.
How Often is Property Info synchronised?
- Static Content (e.g. photos and descriptions) = Every 24 hours.
- Daily prices - Every 30 minutes
- Availability - Every 30 minutes
- Minimum length of stay - Every 30 minutes
- Changeovers - Every 30 minutes
Note: You can force a pull of information anytime from Rentals United in the section PMS settings by clicking on Synchronise.
Get Started
Before you can start connecting your properties to our Sales channels, you need to fill out:
- My Profile
- Company Profile
- Payment Settings
In the upper right corner of your RU account you will find a drop down menu with My Profile, Company Profile and Payment settings. Please fill out the required fields and Click on Save
For the Payment setting, Click on add Billing Method (if you have not already added this)
Due to security reasons, you will have to validate a certain amount taken from your account
Please select the correct currency (if your card is in EUR, you choose EUR, if it’s in GBP, you choose GBP).
If you have any questions that we did not answer in the Help Centre, please submit your request/issue here