EscapiaNET - Complete Property Content

Some property content needs to be added manually in Rentals United. You can view what is synchronised between Escapia and Rentals United by clicking on the drop down menu at the top right hand corner and selecting PMS settings. 


The boxes that are ticked represents the property content coming from Escapia. The greyed out boxes that are un-ticket, represent fields that cannot come from Escapia and need to be managed directly in Rentals United (not all are mandatory). “Disable quote request” should remain unticked unless otherwise recommended by Rentals United. 


It is also possible to review what is synced and un-synced from the property edit view. Go to the properties tab and click Edit or Improve next to a property.


The fields that are white and editable, are fields not synced with Escapia and need to be managed in Rentals United. Any field greyed out and not editable is data coming from Escapia. 


Now the mandatory property fields that needs to be managed in Rentals United are:

  • Downpayment
  • Arrival info
  • Check in / Check out 
  • Cancellation policy

These can be added either property by property or via batch edit.


On property basis:

  • Down-Payment is found on Step 5 Price and Availability -> Tax and fees tab.


  • Arrival info and Check in / Check out is found in Step 6 Check-in/Check-out


  • Cancellation Policy can be found in Step 7 Payments


Batch edit:

Please see this video below for how to batch edit. This video is specifically showing how to batch edit cancellation policy but same logic applies for all other fields that can be batch edited. 


Any doubts about this, please do not hesitate to contact our Support Team.



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